Golden Healer Raw Crystals (1-2 Inch - AA Grade - 12-20 Pieces Per Pound) Ethically Sourced from Madagascar
from $3.50
Size: 1-2 Inches
Weight: 20-50 Grams
Pieces Per Pound: 12-20 Pieces
Grade: AA
Origin: Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar
Polished: Yes; Jojoba Oil
Size: 1-2 Inches
Weight: 20-50 Grams
Pieces Per Pound: 12-20 Pieces
Grade: AA
Origin: Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar
Polished: Yes; Jojoba Oil
Size: 1-2 Inches
Weight: 20-50 Grams
Pieces Per Pound: 12-20 Pieces
Grade: AA
Origin: Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar
Polished: Yes; Jojoba Oil
These are "AA" graded stones that have excellent translucency and good color with few to no mineral deposits. The hematoid quartz crystals vary in their abundance of inclusions. Some pieces are full of inclusions while others are mostly clear.