Rose Quartz Raw Crystal Specimen Ethically Sourced from Madagascar

Limited Availability

Weight: 3.54 Pounds
Dimensions: 4.50” L x 4.00" W x 4.00" H
Grade: AA
Origin: Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar
Polished: Yes; Jojoba Oil

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Weight: 3.54 Pounds
Dimensions: 4.50” L x 4.00" W x 4.00" H
Grade: AA
Origin: Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar
Polished: Yes; Jojoba Oil

Weight: 3.54 Pounds
Dimensions: 4.50” L x 4.00" W x 4.00" H
Grade: AA
Origin: Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar
Polished: Yes; Jojoba Oil

This variety of rose quartz is graded AA for having a vibrant pink-red color, a high level of translucency, and minimal mineral deposits. Portions of this stone could be classified as a true top quality gem grade if one desires to cut and polish it. Yet many would prefer to leave this crystal in its raw form to admire the beauty of nature. Madagascar is known for producing rose quartz with intense pink colors often with lilac hues. This raw rose quartz crystal is 100% natural and has never been dyed or heat treated.