Rose Quartz Raw Crystals (5 Pound Clearance Lot - A/B Grade - 15-30 Pieces) Ethically Sourced from South Dakota

from $60.00
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Size: Less Than 5 Inches
Weight: 20-500 Grams
Pieces Per 5 Pounds: 15-30 Stones
Grade: A/B
Origin: South Dakota, United States
Polished: Yes; Grapeseed Oil

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This is a wholesale offering of natural rose quartz crystals of various shapes and sizes in 5 pound increments. These stones are 100% raw and natural. The sizes range from small and pebble-like (less than 1/2 inch) to large chunks (5+ inches). This variety of rose quartz is graded "A/B" for containing high levels of surface mineral deposits mixed in shades of pink and smoky colors. While these stones are a mixture of A/B grades, compared to similar grades of raw rose quartz from other locations the coloration tends to be a bit more intense. Many of these stones have a nice light-medium pink color with the occasional white or smoky quartz inclusion. Some pieces may show signs of asterism and streaking. Rose quartz from South Dakota is now very limited and becoming more rare to find as there are no longer any mines left producing high quality crystals in the area.

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