Malachite Polished Specimens (AA Grade - 8-14 Pieces Per 5 Kilograms) Ethically Sourced from Democratic Republic of the Congo

from $50.00
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Size: 3.50-7 Inches
Weight: 300-1000 Grams
Pieces Per 5 Kilograms: 8-14 Pieces
Grade: AA
Origin: Haut-Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Each piece in this collection has been carefully selected and polished to showcase the striking green hues and intricate banding patterns that Malachite is renowned for. The quality of these specimens is exceptional, setting them apart as virtually flawless in their creation. The deep, vibrant greens, interlaced with lighter bands, create a mesmerizing visual effect, symbolizing the rich and dynamic landscapes from which they are sourced.

It's important to note that the photos provided are representative samples of our collection. While each piece of Malachite is unique in its pattern and form, they all share the same superior quality and aesthetic appeal. This ensures that when you choose our Malachite specimens, you are receiving a product that reflects the beauty and quality depicted in our images.

Renowned for its healing properties, malachite is believed to be a powerful stone for emotional transformation, offering protection and fostering creativity and change. The smooth, polished surface of each stone makes it a tactile delight, perfect for carrying as a personal talisman, using in meditation practices, or incorporating into artisanal jewelry. The size of these stones is ideal for holding in your palm, offering a physical connection to the grounding energies of the earth.

In choosing these malachite stones, you're not only bringing a piece of the earth's magic into your life but also making a choice that honors the planet. Sourced responsibly, each stone represents a commitment to ethical practices in the crystal industry, ensuring that the beauty of these gems is matched by the integrity behind their journey from the Congo's mineral-rich soils to you. Let these malachite stones be your companions in your journey towards balance, creativity, and connectedness with the natural world.