Smoky Amethyst Raw Crystal Points (0.50-1.50 Inch - AA Grade - 40-64 Pieces Per Pound) Ethically Sourced from Zimbabwe

from $3.00
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Size: 0.50-1.50 Inches
Weight: 2-30 Grams
Pieces Per Pound: 40-64 Pieces
Grade: AA
Origin: Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Polished: Yes; Grapeseed Oil

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Truly some of the most unique crystals you will ever encounter. Formations can vary from singular points, scepter shapes, cascading mini clusters, double terminations, and elestial features. Enhyrdos (water bubbles) and phantoms occur at a particularly high rate in this material, and you will surely encounter them if ordering a large volume of these crystals. This unusual variety of amethyst was only recently discovered in 2018 and it is unknown how extensive the deposits are at this time. This smoky amethyst has a very dark coloration and the crystals tend to contain an abundance of other minerals, especially thin strands of lepidocrocite which are found in a majority of the crystals. Some crystals take on more amethyst attributes while others trend more smoky in appearance. Yet most have a nice balance between the two. These crystals have the color and translucency that can compete with the highest grade amethyst crystals found anywhere. With the exception of a few mineral deposits, these are certainly very high grade crystals with Brandberg-like qualities that you probably won't find anywhere else. Definitely a special find that would be ideal for any serious crystal collector or jewelry maker that specializes in rare and unusual pieces.