Ametrine Raw Crystals (1-2 Inch - AA Grade - 12-20 Pieces Per Pound) Ethically Sourced from Bolivia

from $5.00

Size: 1-2 Inches
Weight: 20-50 Grams
Pieces Per Pound: 12-20 Pieces
Grade: AA
Locality: Bolivia
Polished: Yes; Grapeseed Oil

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This ametrine is graded “AA" based on its great coloration with excellent translucency and little to no surface deposits remaining on the crystals. Some of these ametrine crystals may resemble higher grade AAA stones, but the distribution of amethyst and citrine can be somewhat uneven and are generally slightly lighter in coloration on average. However if you desire to cut and shape these stones portions may be classified as a top quality although most people would prefer to leave them in their raw form to admire the beauty of what nature has to offer. About 1 in every 100 pieces may have some level of terminations, but it is very uncommon. Fully intact points are exceptionally rare and are mostly only found in South African varieties of spirit ametrine or cactus quartz.