Blue Rose Quartz Raw Crystals (1-2 Inch - A Grade - 12-20 Pieces Per Pound) Ethically Sourced from Madagascar

from $5.00
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Size: 1-2 Inches
Weight: 20-50 Grams
Pieces Per Pound: 12-20 Pieces
Grade: A
Origin: Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar
Polished: Yes; Grapeseed Oil

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This variety of rose quartz has a very unusual blue-violet coloration. The color intensity can be highly variable in the A grades and there may be some levels of mineral deposits remaining on the stones despite our best efforts and cleaning and polishing. Some pieces show moderate to strong coloration while in others it is fairly weak. Yet still great quality material. Blue rose quartz is very limited in availability as the only known location it is found is in Madagascar. This recent discovery is sometimes also referred to as lavender rose quartz or lilac quartz.